Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Yet More Arbitrary Laws Still in Effect #4

I fairly certain I left off with Kansas. Enjoy!

It is illegal to throw knives at men wearing stripped suits.
Servers are forbidden to serve wine in tea cups.
It is illegal to catch frogs in tomato patches.
Whale hunting is prohibited.
One may be punished for putting ice cream on cherry pie.
Rabbits may NOT be shot from motor boats.
It is against state game regulations to use mules to hunt ducks.

Sending a bottle of beer , spirits , or wine to a friend as a gift is punishable by a 5 year jail sentence.
All nude people in your home must be registered by the state.
State law mandates that anyone who has been drinking is "sober" until they have lost the ability to "hold onto the ground".
In Frankfurt, it is against the law to shoot off a policeman's tie.
A license is required to walk around nude on your own property.
It is illegal to marry the same man more than 3 times.
Women are not allowed to buy hats without their husbands permission.

It is illegal to gargle in public.
It is illegal to rob a bank & then shoot the teller with a water pistol.
It is illegal for a woman to drive a car , unless her husband is waving a flag in front of it.
Mourners at a wake may not eat more than 3 sandwiches.
Tying an alligator to a fire hydrant is prohibited.
Rituals that involve the ingestion of blood , urine , or fecal matter are punishable by the fullest extent of the law.
Taxi drivers are prohibited from having sex in the front of their taxis while they are on shift.

It is illegal to catch lobsters with your bare hands.
It is illegal to blow one's nose in public.
It is unlawful to tickle a woman's nose with a feather duster.
Shotguns are required to be taken to church in the event of a Native American attack.
You may not step out of a plane that is in flight.

You may NOT curse within the city limits of Baltimore.
It is illegal to take a lion to the movies.
Eating while swimming in the ocean is unlawful.
A $100.00 fine will be assessed to anyone who attempts to foretell or forecast the future.
It is illegal to mistreat oysters.
Women may NOT go through their husbands pockets while they sleep.
People wearing sleeveless shirts in a public park will be fined $10.00.

 A woman is not allowed to be "on top' in any sexual activity.
Alcoholic "Drink Specials" are strictly prohibited.
Bullets may NOT be used as currency.
Children are permitted to smoke , however they may NOT buy cigarettes.
In Holyoke , it is illegal to water your lawn while it is raining.
If you get caught eating peanuts in church , you may be jailed for up to a year.
In Salem it is unlawful to sleep nude in a rented room , even if a couple is married.
It is illegal to put tomatoes in clam chowder.
One may NOT , at any time , crap on their neighbor.

State law indicates that a married woman's hair legally belongs to her husband , therefore she cannot cut her hair without her husband's permission.
In Detroit , it is illegal to sleep in a bathtub.
It is illegal to loiter in any city morgue.
In Rochester , if a person is caught bathing in public they must be wearing a bathing suit that has been inspected by a police officer.

A person may not cross the state line with a duck atop their head.
Every man in Brainard is required to grow a beard.
Hamburgers may not be eaten on Sundays.
In Harper Woods , it is illegal to paint sparrows & sell them as parakeets.
It is unlawful to tease skunks.
Men having the smell of garlic , onions , or sardines are required by law to brush their teeth before making love to their wives.
It is unlawful to smoke while in bed.

Having sex out of wedlock or with someone that is not your spouse is punishable by a $500.00 fine and/or 6 months in prison.
In Temperance , you may not walk a dog in public unless it it wearing a diaper.
It is strictly prohibited for a man to become sexually aroused in public.
"Unnatural Intercourse" is highly illegal , even if both parties consent , and can result in a $10,000.00 fine and 10 years in prison.

Children may buy shotguns , but not toy cap guns.
Bothering or worrying a squirrel is against the law.
Minors may buy tobacco and rolling papers , but not lighters.
Frightening a baby is a violation of the law.
In Natchez , it is offensive to buy & give an elephant intoxicants.
Milk men are prohibited to run while delivering milk.
No more than 4 unrelated people are allowed to rent a home. This is due to anti-brothel laws.

It is considered a felony for a wife to open her husband's mail.
It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your vehicle , without chaperonage.
It is illegal for married women to fish alone on Sundays , and it is illegal for unmarried women to fish alone at all.
In Whitehall , it is unlawful to operate a vehicle that has icepicks attached to its wheels.
This state has just recently allowed the production of caviar.

I just love finding the bizarre laws that still stand. I will keep going until we get through all 50 states. Have a great day all!

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