Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Continuing Old Laws Still in Effect #5

Sorry  I have taken way too long to type up ANY entries lately. There just has been a lot going on with the holidays & all. I hope all of you had fantastic holidays! Enjoy!!!

A man is not allowed to run around with a shaved chest.
Barbers are forbidden by law from shaving a mans chest , in Omaha.
If a child burps in church , their parents may be arrested.
It is illegal for a mother to give her daughter a perm without a state license.
It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer , unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
It is unlawful to sleep in a hotel/motel naked.
In Lehigh , it is illegal to sell doughnut holes.
In Waterloo , barbers are forbidden from eating onions between 7am and 7pm.

In Elko , EVERYONE walking the streets is required to wear a mask.
In Eureka , all men bearing mustaches are banned from kissing women.
In Las Vegas, pawning your dentures is unlawful.
Sex without a condom , is considered extremely illegal.
It is illegal to conceal a spray painted shopping cart in your basement , in the city limits of Reno.

New Hampshire-
Any cattle that crosses state roads is required to be fitted with a device that gathers its feces.
It is unlawful to inhale bus fumes with the intent to induce euphoria.
One is prohibited from pawning the clothes "off your back" to pay off a gambling debt.
On Sundays , citizens may not relieve themselves while looking up.
In White Mountain National Forest it is illegal for anyone to pick up litter. A $150.00 fine can be imposed for  "maintaining the national forest without a permit".
Machinery may not be run on ANY Sunday.

New Jersey-
In Cresskill all cats are required to wear 3 bells to warn birds of their location.
It is unlawful to delay or detain a homing pigeon.
It is considered a punishable offense to slurp soup.
It is against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season.
It is illegal to offer cigarettes or alcohol to the animals in the local zoo.
It is unlawful to throw a bad pickle out onto the street.
In Newark , it is illegal to sell ice cream after 6pm , unless the customer has a note from their doctor.
Raw hamburger is not to be sold , at all.
On highways , you may not park under a bridge.
There is no horse racing allowed on the turnpike.
Pumping your own gas is unlawful. All gas stations are strictly full service.

New Mexico-
It is illegal to have sex in your car unless it has been fitted with curtains & they are drawn.
It is forbidden for women to appear unshaven in public.
In Las Cruces , it is illegal to carry a lunch box down main street.
State officials ordered 400 words of "sexually explicit material" to be cut from Romeo & Juliet..

Hope those made you all grin!!! I'll be back to finish the list up. Good day all, thanks for reading.

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