Thursday, December 2, 2010

Marijuana Vs. Alcohol

It has become alarmingly appearant that our Government has made some terrible judgement calls concerning the laws against Marijuana. While keeping alcohol legal , when we are all aware of the health risks. Now some states are defying our federal governments laws , however these defiances aren't without their consequences.

In our country alone there are thousands of deaths directly linked to alcohol consumption. There are a great number of other problems that come along with alcohol use. After many years of testing marijuana has been found to have many medicinal properties , as well as textile uses. If our government would recognize these uses rather than criticize the effects , I think we could become a lot more self sufficient as a country.

 One reason behind keeping marijuana illegal could be that our government recieves more revenue from it being unlawful to consume or possess. There may be other factors that contribute to our conservative leaders not passing marijuana laws that allow people to use & consume this plant made by nature. There are ways to make fuel from hemp seed oil , and production of this fuel would be 8-10 times more economic than petrolium products. Not to mention the lesser effects on our eco systems.

Our brains are equiped with THC recepters and our body acctually produces its own THC in small amounts. THC is the natural compound that produces the mild euphoric effects of marijuana. This compound has been found to relieve many symptoms of illnesses , conditions and diseases.

 Statistics concerning this debate , are rather disturbing.  Alcohol  ranks at the dangerous end of the toxicity spectrum. So despite the fact that about 75 percent of all adults in the United States enjoy an occasional drink, it must be remembered that alcohol is quite toxic. Indeed, if alcohol were a newly formulated beverage, its high toxicity and addiction potential would surely prevent it from being marketed as a food or drug.In 2006, a total of 22,073 persons died of alcohol-induced causes in the United States. This category includes not only deaths from dependent and nondependent use of alcohol, but also accidental poisoning by alcohol. It excludes unintentional injuries, homicides, and other causes indirectly related to alcohol use as well as deaths due to fetal alcohol syndrome.

This is a remarkable statement. First, the record on marijuana encompasses 5,000 years of human experience. Second, marijuana is now used daily by enormous numbers of people throughout the world. Estimates suggest that from twenty million to fifty million Americans routinely, albeit illegally, smoke marijuana without the benefit of direct medical supervision. Yet, despite this long history of use and the extraordinarily high numbers of social smokers, there are simply no credible medical reports to suggest that consuming marijuana has caused a single death.

So I will let you , the reader decide which is safer? Why on earth our government would promote the sales of alcohol & not the sales or distribution of marijuana? What is America doing???

I thought this would be some food for thought. Hope you chew on it for a while & it pleases your palate! Have a blessed day!!!

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