Friday, December 31, 2010

Continuing Old Laws Still in Effect #6

New York-
A fine of $25.00 can b imposed for flirting. This applies to men more than women. A second offense could require the culprit to wear a set of horse blinders.
Men wearing pants & a jacket that do not match , is unlawful in Carmel.
Teaching your parrot to speak is okay , but teaching it to squawk is illegal.
It is illegal to shake a duster or dust  mop out a window.
It is forbidden to shoot a rabbit from a moving trolley car.
It is unlawful to jump from atop the Empire State Building.
Women are permitted to walk about topless , as long as it is not used as a business.
To cut down on the ever growing graffiti problem , it has become illegal to carry an open can of spray paint.

North Carolina-
 A marriage can be declared void if either of the 2 persons is declared impotent.
Fights between cats & dogs are prohibited in Barber.
Because people were using them for cheap furniture, it is now illegal to take & sell milk crates.
Elephants are not allowed to be used for plowing cotton fields.
In Horny Town , massage parlors have been banned.
It is illegal to roller blade on a states highway.
It is unlawful to have sex in a church yard.
It is against the law to sing off key.
Oral sex is considered a crime against nature.
While having sex , you must stay in the missionary position and have the shades pulled.

North Dakota-
Beer & pretzels may not be sold at the same time in any bar or restaurant.
One may be jailed for wearing a hat while dancing.
It is illegal to keep an elk in a sandbox in your back yard.
In Collierville all bathtubs must be kept in the backyard.
In Waverly , horses are prohibited from sleeping inside or in bathtubs.
It is illegal to lie down & fall asleep with your shoes on.

It is unlawful to kill a house fly within 160 ft of a church , without a license.
A policeman may bite a dog to quiet him , but the reverse is a fine-able offense.
 Breast feeding is prohibited in public.
In Centerville , cats are not allowed to scare horses.
In Cincinnati , anal intercourse is banned.
In Cleveland , catching mice without a license is unlawful.
It is illegal to run out of gasoline.
In Ironton , cross-dressing is strictly prohibited.
Getting a fish drunk is punishable by jail time.
Owners of tigers must notify authorities within one hour if the tiger escapes.

Anyone arrested for soliciting a hooker must have their name & picture shown on television.
Cars must be tethered outside of public buildings.
In Clinton, molesting an automobile is illegal.
Fish may not be contained in fishbowls while on a public bus.
People who make faces at dogs , may be fined or jailed.
It is forbidden that anyone has the hind legs of any animal in their boots.
Wearing boots to bed is punishable.
One may spend a year in jail or receive a $2,500.00 fine if caught giving or receiving oral sex.
Tattoos are banned , no exceptions.

Dishes must drip dry.
Using canned corn for fishing is unlawful.
In Eugene, it is illegal to show movies or attend a car race on Sundays.
In Hood River , juggling is strictly prohibited without a license.
Anyone with a "bad reputation" is prohibited from distributing malt beverages.
In Willowdale , no man may curse while having sex with his wife.
It is unlawful for any animals to have sex in any city limits.
It is illegal to buy or sell marijuana , but it is legal to smoke it on your own property.
Whispering "dirty" things into your lover's ear while having sex is considered unlawful.
No more than 2 people may share a single drink.
One must be wearing "suitable clothing" while bathing.
Roller skates are not to be worn in restrooms.
People may NOT whistle underwater.
Oregon is the only other state besides New Jersey , where you may not pump your own gas.

I promise to have these wrapped up by the end of the year... LOL that means more today . I just have been so busy. I hate that I feel compelled to finish what I have started. I hope you all enjoy!!!

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