Thursday, December 2, 2010

Today & Manners

After much thought about what people may want to read , I have decided to write/type about our societys total lack of etiquette and manners.

As a child I was always told, by my parents & grandparents, to "mind your manners". Raising my own children I can appreciate that lesson in life & apply it often. I believe "Please" & "Thank You" and "Excuse Me" are all phrases every child should learn. The more involved I get in my childrens social lives the more shocked I am at how many other families have little to no value in being polite. Again , the very wealthy are the only people who commonly take etiquiette classes.

When did it become acceptable for a young girl to burp or fart in public & just laugh it off? When were boys & girls taught that "sassing" or talking back was acceptable behavior? Why on earth were young men taught that calling women "Bitches & Hoes" was a "cool" thing to say ? What ever happened to respecting one's elders? These are examples of why I believe mankind as a whole is degenerating , QUICKLY!

I can only hope that my children pass on the manners I have passed on to them , like a fantastic family recipe. If enough people instill these very easily taught lessons to their children our world might be a bearable place to be in the future.

For now thats all I can think of to type. I hope this makes people think about how they conduct themselves in their childrens presences. Hope you enjoyed it . Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh woman, you speak from my mind! I can't stand children with no manners. I just want to grab their parents and shake them. Mind you, these are the same parents who, in 10 years when their child is now COMPLETELY out of control, wonder how said child became this way. Ugh.

    On a brighter note, congrats on taking off with a bang, lady! Keep it coming, you're doing fantastical! I <3 you!
