Friday, December 31, 2010

Continuing Old Laws Still in Effect - 7 states left! #8

Tying a giraffe to a telephone pole is prohibited.
In Barre , all residents shall bathe every Saturday night.
It is illegal to paint landscapes in time of war.
Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.
Denying the existence of God , is a serious crime.
It is illegal for vagrants to procure food by force. Apparently if you have a good job & a stable home it is okay to procure food by force.

State law requires all bathtubs to be kept outside.
Children are not permitted to trick-o-treat on Halloween.
Driving while not wearing shoes is prohibited.
In Norfolk a woman cannot go out without wearing a corset. Also spitting on a sea gull is not tolerated.
It is illegal to tickle women.
In Lebanon it is illegal to kick one's wife out of bed.
Not only s it not legal to have sex with  the lights on , one may not have sex in any other position than missionary.
Flipping a coin in order to see who pays for coffee , is illegal in Richmond.
Swearing at someone over the phone is punishable by $100.00 fine.
No one may work on Sundays.

Lollipops are banned. No exceptions.
In Bremerton , it is illegal to shuck peanuts on the streets.
In Seattle it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon that is over 6 ft in length.
Sleeping in an outhouse without the owners permission is prohibited.
Painting polka dots on the American Flag is illegal.
In Wilbur it is illegal to ride an ugly horse.
The entire state prohibits fake wrestling.
Breastfeeding in public is illegal.
A license is required to sell condoms .

West Virginia-
It is unlawful to own a red or black flag.
Doctors & dentists are not allowed to put a woman under anesthesia unless a 3rd person is present.
If you wear a hat inside a theater you may be fined.
Snoozing on a train is considered an offense.
Children may not attend school while their breath smells of "wild onions".

All yellow butter substitute is banned.
You are allowed to marry your house.
Cutting a womans hair is unlawful.
Kissing on trains is illegal.
Don't wake a sleeping fisherman , as it is illegal.
In La Crosse  , it is illegal to play checkers in public , as well as worrying a squirrel.
Next time you start a riot in Wisconsin remember that it is illegal to use a laser pointer to do so.

 In Newcastle , it is illegal to have sex in a store's walk-in freezer.
Cheyenne citizens are not allowed to take showers on Wednesdays.
Women are prohibited from standing within 5 feet of a bar while drinking.
You may not take a picture of a rabbit during the month of June.

Whew!!!! I got it done before the New Years Party began !!!! I hope that you all enjoyed it ! I'll be back next year to regale you with more wonderful stories or rants!!!! Happy New Year to all my readers!!!!

Continuing Old Laws Still in Effect - 14 states left! #7

All fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires.
There is a ban on men becoming aroused in public in Allentown.
Dynamite may not be used to catch fish.
Fireworks stores are forbidden from selling fireworks to Pennsylvania residents.
It is illegal to have sex with a truck driver inside a toll booth in Harrisburg.
No man may purchase alcohol without written permission from his wife.
No one is allowed to sleep on a refrigerator.
State law prohibits singing in the bathtub.

Rhode Island-
Any marriage where either party is an idiot or a lunatic is null and void.
It's a misdemeanor to keep more than 11 inoperable vehicles in front of a house.
Throwing pickle juice on a trolley is considered an offence.
Wearing transparent clothing is highly illegal.
Having sexual relations while unmarried is illegal , but if caught both parties get fined only $10.00.

South Carolina-
State law mandates that if any man promises to marry a woman , the marriage must take place.
Every adult male must bring a rifle to church on Sunday in order to ward off Indian attacks.
Horses are to wear pants at all times in Fountain Inn.
It is considered an offense to get a tattoo.
Communicating with a woman by means of obscene gestures is a jail-able offense.
Giving or receiving oral sex is illegal.
 Alcohol consumption or sales is banned on Sundays.
It is LEGAL to beat your wife on a Sunday morning on the steps of the state courthouse.

South Dakota-
Hotels in Sioux Falls are required to have twin beds. These beds must be a minimum of 2 ft apart. Having sex in between these beds is forbidden.
It is illegal to try to convince a pacifist to renounce his beliefs by threatening him to arm wrestle.
Laying down & falling asleep in a cheese factory is considered an offense.
Movies that show a police officer being struck , beaten , or treated with disrespect are forbidden.

"Crimes against nature" are prohibited.This includes any sex that is not between a man & woman and oral sex.
Driving is not to be done while asleep.
Women calling men for dates is prohibited in Dryersburg.
Hollow logs may not be sold.
It is illegal to gather and consume roadkill.
Frogs are banned from croaking after 11 pm.
Stealing horses is punishable by hanging.
You may not shoot any game other than whales from a moving vehicle.

In Dallas it is illegal to possess realistic dildos.
There is a law against pigs having sex on the city airport's property in Kingsville.
Kids possessing unusual haircuts is considered illegal in Mesquite.
Shooting a buffalo from the 2nd story of a hotel is an offense.
It is illegal to milk another persons cow.
Urination on the Alamo is strictly prohibited.
In Lubbock County, is it illegal to drive within an arm's length of alcohol - including alcohol that is in someone else's blood stream.
Flirtation using eyes or hands from either sex , is illegal in San Antonio.
State law forbids anyone from having a pair of pliers in his possession.
A person can be legally married if he or she introduces their significant other as husband or wife more than 3 times.

A husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while she is in his presence.
Birds have the right of way on all highways.
It is unlawful to fish while on horseback.
Drinking milk is required by all state residents.
No one may have sex in the back of an ambulance , if it is responding to an emergency call.
In Salt Lake , no one may walk down the street carrying a paper bag containing a violin.
Throwing snowballs will result in a $50.00 fine.

Still 7 more... I have to add them on another page as they will not all fit ! Almost done!!! LMAO

Continuing Old Laws Still in Effect #6

New York-
A fine of $25.00 can b imposed for flirting. This applies to men more than women. A second offense could require the culprit to wear a set of horse blinders.
Men wearing pants & a jacket that do not match , is unlawful in Carmel.
Teaching your parrot to speak is okay , but teaching it to squawk is illegal.
It is illegal to shake a duster or dust  mop out a window.
It is forbidden to shoot a rabbit from a moving trolley car.
It is unlawful to jump from atop the Empire State Building.
Women are permitted to walk about topless , as long as it is not used as a business.
To cut down on the ever growing graffiti problem , it has become illegal to carry an open can of spray paint.

North Carolina-
 A marriage can be declared void if either of the 2 persons is declared impotent.
Fights between cats & dogs are prohibited in Barber.
Because people were using them for cheap furniture, it is now illegal to take & sell milk crates.
Elephants are not allowed to be used for plowing cotton fields.
In Horny Town , massage parlors have been banned.
It is illegal to roller blade on a states highway.
It is unlawful to have sex in a church yard.
It is against the law to sing off key.
Oral sex is considered a crime against nature.
While having sex , you must stay in the missionary position and have the shades pulled.

North Dakota-
Beer & pretzels may not be sold at the same time in any bar or restaurant.
One may be jailed for wearing a hat while dancing.
It is illegal to keep an elk in a sandbox in your back yard.
In Collierville all bathtubs must be kept in the backyard.
In Waverly , horses are prohibited from sleeping inside or in bathtubs.
It is illegal to lie down & fall asleep with your shoes on.

It is unlawful to kill a house fly within 160 ft of a church , without a license.
A policeman may bite a dog to quiet him , but the reverse is a fine-able offense.
 Breast feeding is prohibited in public.
In Centerville , cats are not allowed to scare horses.
In Cincinnati , anal intercourse is banned.
In Cleveland , catching mice without a license is unlawful.
It is illegal to run out of gasoline.
In Ironton , cross-dressing is strictly prohibited.
Getting a fish drunk is punishable by jail time.
Owners of tigers must notify authorities within one hour if the tiger escapes.

Anyone arrested for soliciting a hooker must have their name & picture shown on television.
Cars must be tethered outside of public buildings.
In Clinton, molesting an automobile is illegal.
Fish may not be contained in fishbowls while on a public bus.
People who make faces at dogs , may be fined or jailed.
It is forbidden that anyone has the hind legs of any animal in their boots.
Wearing boots to bed is punishable.
One may spend a year in jail or receive a $2,500.00 fine if caught giving or receiving oral sex.
Tattoos are banned , no exceptions.

Dishes must drip dry.
Using canned corn for fishing is unlawful.
In Eugene, it is illegal to show movies or attend a car race on Sundays.
In Hood River , juggling is strictly prohibited without a license.
Anyone with a "bad reputation" is prohibited from distributing malt beverages.
In Willowdale , no man may curse while having sex with his wife.
It is unlawful for any animals to have sex in any city limits.
It is illegal to buy or sell marijuana , but it is legal to smoke it on your own property.
Whispering "dirty" things into your lover's ear while having sex is considered unlawful.
No more than 2 people may share a single drink.
One must be wearing "suitable clothing" while bathing.
Roller skates are not to be worn in restrooms.
People may NOT whistle underwater.
Oregon is the only other state besides New Jersey , where you may not pump your own gas.

I promise to have these wrapped up by the end of the year... LOL that means more today . I just have been so busy. I hate that I feel compelled to finish what I have started. I hope you all enjoy!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Continuing Old Laws Still in Effect #5

Sorry  I have taken way too long to type up ANY entries lately. There just has been a lot going on with the holidays & all. I hope all of you had fantastic holidays! Enjoy!!!

A man is not allowed to run around with a shaved chest.
Barbers are forbidden by law from shaving a mans chest , in Omaha.
If a child burps in church , their parents may be arrested.
It is illegal for a mother to give her daughter a perm without a state license.
It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer , unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
It is unlawful to sleep in a hotel/motel naked.
In Lehigh , it is illegal to sell doughnut holes.
In Waterloo , barbers are forbidden from eating onions between 7am and 7pm.

In Elko , EVERYONE walking the streets is required to wear a mask.
In Eureka , all men bearing mustaches are banned from kissing women.
In Las Vegas, pawning your dentures is unlawful.
Sex without a condom , is considered extremely illegal.
It is illegal to conceal a spray painted shopping cart in your basement , in the city limits of Reno.

New Hampshire-
Any cattle that crosses state roads is required to be fitted with a device that gathers its feces.
It is unlawful to inhale bus fumes with the intent to induce euphoria.
One is prohibited from pawning the clothes "off your back" to pay off a gambling debt.
On Sundays , citizens may not relieve themselves while looking up.
In White Mountain National Forest it is illegal for anyone to pick up litter. A $150.00 fine can be imposed for  "maintaining the national forest without a permit".
Machinery may not be run on ANY Sunday.

New Jersey-
In Cresskill all cats are required to wear 3 bells to warn birds of their location.
It is unlawful to delay or detain a homing pigeon.
It is considered a punishable offense to slurp soup.
It is against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season.
It is illegal to offer cigarettes or alcohol to the animals in the local zoo.
It is unlawful to throw a bad pickle out onto the street.
In Newark , it is illegal to sell ice cream after 6pm , unless the customer has a note from their doctor.
Raw hamburger is not to be sold , at all.
On highways , you may not park under a bridge.
There is no horse racing allowed on the turnpike.
Pumping your own gas is unlawful. All gas stations are strictly full service.

New Mexico-
It is illegal to have sex in your car unless it has been fitted with curtains & they are drawn.
It is forbidden for women to appear unshaven in public.
In Las Cruces , it is illegal to carry a lunch box down main street.
State officials ordered 400 words of "sexually explicit material" to be cut from Romeo & Juliet..

Hope those made you all grin!!! I'll be back to finish the list up. Good day all, thanks for reading.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Yet More Arbitrary Laws Still in Effect #4

I fairly certain I left off with Kansas. Enjoy!

It is illegal to throw knives at men wearing stripped suits.
Servers are forbidden to serve wine in tea cups.
It is illegal to catch frogs in tomato patches.
Whale hunting is prohibited.
One may be punished for putting ice cream on cherry pie.
Rabbits may NOT be shot from motor boats.
It is against state game regulations to use mules to hunt ducks.

Sending a bottle of beer , spirits , or wine to a friend as a gift is punishable by a 5 year jail sentence.
All nude people in your home must be registered by the state.
State law mandates that anyone who has been drinking is "sober" until they have lost the ability to "hold onto the ground".
In Frankfurt, it is against the law to shoot off a policeman's tie.
A license is required to walk around nude on your own property.
It is illegal to marry the same man more than 3 times.
Women are not allowed to buy hats without their husbands permission.

It is illegal to gargle in public.
It is illegal to rob a bank & then shoot the teller with a water pistol.
It is illegal for a woman to drive a car , unless her husband is waving a flag in front of it.
Mourners at a wake may not eat more than 3 sandwiches.
Tying an alligator to a fire hydrant is prohibited.
Rituals that involve the ingestion of blood , urine , or fecal matter are punishable by the fullest extent of the law.
Taxi drivers are prohibited from having sex in the front of their taxis while they are on shift.

It is illegal to catch lobsters with your bare hands.
It is illegal to blow one's nose in public.
It is unlawful to tickle a woman's nose with a feather duster.
Shotguns are required to be taken to church in the event of a Native American attack.
You may not step out of a plane that is in flight.

You may NOT curse within the city limits of Baltimore.
It is illegal to take a lion to the movies.
Eating while swimming in the ocean is unlawful.
A $100.00 fine will be assessed to anyone who attempts to foretell or forecast the future.
It is illegal to mistreat oysters.
Women may NOT go through their husbands pockets while they sleep.
People wearing sleeveless shirts in a public park will be fined $10.00.

 A woman is not allowed to be "on top' in any sexual activity.
Alcoholic "Drink Specials" are strictly prohibited.
Bullets may NOT be used as currency.
Children are permitted to smoke , however they may NOT buy cigarettes.
In Holyoke , it is illegal to water your lawn while it is raining.
If you get caught eating peanuts in church , you may be jailed for up to a year.
In Salem it is unlawful to sleep nude in a rented room , even if a couple is married.
It is illegal to put tomatoes in clam chowder.
One may NOT , at any time , crap on their neighbor.

State law indicates that a married woman's hair legally belongs to her husband , therefore she cannot cut her hair without her husband's permission.
In Detroit , it is illegal to sleep in a bathtub.
It is illegal to loiter in any city morgue.
In Rochester , if a person is caught bathing in public they must be wearing a bathing suit that has been inspected by a police officer.

A person may not cross the state line with a duck atop their head.
Every man in Brainard is required to grow a beard.
Hamburgers may not be eaten on Sundays.
In Harper Woods , it is illegal to paint sparrows & sell them as parakeets.
It is unlawful to tease skunks.
Men having the smell of garlic , onions , or sardines are required by law to brush their teeth before making love to their wives.
It is unlawful to smoke while in bed.

Having sex out of wedlock or with someone that is not your spouse is punishable by a $500.00 fine and/or 6 months in prison.
In Temperance , you may not walk a dog in public unless it it wearing a diaper.
It is strictly prohibited for a man to become sexually aroused in public.
"Unnatural Intercourse" is highly illegal , even if both parties consent , and can result in a $10,000.00 fine and 10 years in prison.

Children may buy shotguns , but not toy cap guns.
Bothering or worrying a squirrel is against the law.
Minors may buy tobacco and rolling papers , but not lighters.
Frightening a baby is a violation of the law.
In Natchez , it is offensive to buy & give an elephant intoxicants.
Milk men are prohibited to run while delivering milk.
No more than 4 unrelated people are allowed to rent a home. This is due to anti-brothel laws.

It is considered a felony for a wife to open her husband's mail.
It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your vehicle , without chaperonage.
It is illegal for married women to fish alone on Sundays , and it is illegal for unmarried women to fish alone at all.
In Whitehall , it is unlawful to operate a vehicle that has icepicks attached to its wheels.
This state has just recently allowed the production of caviar.

I just love finding the bizarre laws that still stand. I will keep going until we get through all 50 states. Have a great day all!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Continue of Random Old Laws still in Effect.#3

Here we go again. More of the arbitrary laws that are still in effect. I think I got to Illinois.

A state law mandates that all bachelors shall be called "master" rather than mister , when being addressed by their female counterparts.
It is illegal to speak English , the officially recognized language is American.
In Champaign it is prohibited to pee in your neighbors mouth.
In Chicago law forbids eating in a place that is on fire, it is illegal to give a dog whiskey & kites may NOT be flown within the city limits.
In Galesburg  a $1,000.00 fine will be assessed for beating rats with baseball bats.
It is illegal for women that weigh over 200 lbs to ride a horse wearing shorts.
It is unclear what it has done to the bar business , but it is illegal to serve alcohol to the feeble minded.
It is illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while sitting on the sidewalk.

Spiteful gossip & talking behind another's back is a punishable offence.
Baths may not be taken between the months of October & March.
It is illegal to sell laughing gas with the intent of inducing laughter.
Mustaches are illegal if the bearer has a tendency to habitually kiss other humans.
No one may catch fish bare handed.
Oral sex is illegal & may carry a jail sentence.

Don't plan on running up a "tab" in Iowa , it is illegal.
Horses are forbidden to eat fire hydrants.
One-armed piano players must play music for free.
In Ottumwa it is illegal for any man to wink at a woman he does not know.
You may shoot Native Americans if there are more than 5 of them on your property at the same time.
A husband is not allowed to take more than 3 gulps from his beer if he is cuddling his wife after having sex, or just holding her in his arms.

These crack me up... Hope they do for you too! I will be posting more at another time. Thanks for reading.

Continue of Random Old Laws still in Effect. #2

Colorado -
 It is illegal to bring your horse or pack mule above the ground floor of any building.
In Denver it is illegal for any barber to give a massage to any nude customer , unless it is for instructional purposes.
In Logan County , it is illegal to kiss a woman while she is asleep.
It is illegal to ride a horse while intoxicated.

A pickle is not officially a pickle unless it bounces.
In Bloomfield , it is illegal to eat in your car.
In Devon , it is illegal to walk backwards after sunset.
If any dog in the entire state is found with a tattoo , it must be reported to the police.
It is illegal to dispose of used razor blades.
You can be stopped by the police if you ride your bicycle more than 65 miles per hour.
 You may NOT educate dogs.

It is illegal to get married on a dare.
You may NOT sell dead people for money with out a license.
 It is illegal to fly over any body of water , unless one is carrying sufficient supplies of food & drink.

Having sexual relations with a porcupine is strictly prohibited.
It is prohibited for anyone to walk or run topless within 150 feet between the beach & the street.
The molestation of trash cans has been banned.
Florida deals with its prostitution problem by giving its prostitutes spending money , a five year banishment , and a bus ticket out of town.
Rats are forbidden to leave ships docked at Tampa Bay.
An elephant left tied to a parking meter is legal as long as the parking fee is  paid , as if there was a car parked there.
In Miami it is illegal to imitate an animal.
It is illegal to fart in public after 6 pm on a Thursday.

In Atlanta , it is illegal to tie a giraffe to a lamp post or telephone pole.
In Gainesville one can only eat chicken with their hands.
It is illegal to use profanity in the presence of a corpse.
All signs are required to be written in English.

It is illegal to annoy any bird while in a public park.
Coins are not allowed to be placed in one's ear.
It is illegal for any shooting gallery to offer alcohol as a prize for a contest.
You may be fined if you do not own a boat.

It is illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than 50 lbs.
You can be reprimanded for fishing from the back of a camel.
Riding a merry-go-round on a Sunday is considered a crime.
Walking along the street with a red-tipped cane is unlawful.
Unmarried couples who engage in sex can be jailed for up to 6 months.

I will continue the list on another day. I hope these made anyone who read them smile!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Random Old Laws Still in Effect

I thought I would lighten my entries by listing old laws that I have found that are still in effect. Some will make you laugh & some will make you shake your head. These are going to be listed alphabetically by state.I probably won't list all 50 states on this post Have a good read!

It is illegal to stab yourself to gain someone's pity.
It is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.
Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death.
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.

In Alaska it is illegal to whisper in someones ear while they are moose hunting.
Kangaroos are not allowed in barber shops at any time.
While it is legal to shoot bears , it is illegal to wake a sleeping bear for the sake of photography.

A man can legally beat his wife , but no more than once a month.
Donkeys are not allowed to sleep in bathtubs.
Oral sex is considered to be sodomy.
You may not have more than 2 dildos in any given home at one time.
A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash themselves with it until it is all used up.

It is illegal to buy or sell blue light bulbs.
It is illegal to mispronounce the name of the state , Arkansas.
In Little Rock , dogs are not permitted to bark past 6 pm.

A $500.00 fine will be assessed to anyone who detonates a nuclear device within city limits.
Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1500 ft of any tavern , school , or place of worship.
You are not permitted to wear cowboy boots , unless you already own at least 2 cows.
It is illegal to drive more than 2000 sheep at one time down Hollywood Boulevard.
In Los Angeles courts it is illegal to cry on the witness stand.
A man is legally entitled to beat his wife with a strap no wider than 2 inches, unless he has permission from his wife. Permission must be granted prior to the event , as is strictly stipulated.
In Los Angeles you may not bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time.
In Ventura County , cats & dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit.

That all I can type for the night , as I am unable to copy & paste from my sources. I hope they at the very least, made you chuckle. Have a smile filled and possibly inspired day. Thank you my readers.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Prevent the loss of someone you love.

 Oregon is a leader in at least one category, but its nothing to be proud of …..Suicide is the topic today. So if you are wanting a lighter reading experience , then you might want to read another day. During this holiday season, there are some people who will find depression overwhelming. This leads to suicide.

I have in the last year lost four people that were close to me , 2 from suicide. I have strong feelings about this topic. Having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder several years ago , I have battled bouts of severe depression. I have on 2 occasions tried to end my own life. Looking back at these decisions , I get very ashamed & angry with myself. With depression being the biggest factor in suicide rates , all I can do is keep on my medications & stay positive. Remembering what is important is crucial for fighting off the severe depression. I will urge anyone who is feeling like they need a way out & anyone who is contemplating suicide to call this # 1-800-273-8255. This is a confidential call & someone WILL help you.

Early this year (2010)my family lost a close member , to suicide. All I can keep thinking is that , how can someone follow through with that , having what he had going for himself. He was just making plans to return to school so he could provide for his very young son. It made me angry that he had left us to care for those he left behind. It enraged me that he had done this to MY family. To this day I have still not forgiven him. He left behind a son , who probably not even remember his father.

Which makes me wonder. Do these suicide victims think about these loved ones they are leaving behind , as they draw their last breaths? Do they realize , after it's too late , that they do not want to depart this world? Do they truly understand how loved & missed they will be when they are gone?
While depression is very easily treated , these rough economic times make it hard to keep our loved ones from feeling blue.

Just a few months ago I lost a very dear friend , who I never in a million years thought would take his own life. His story is a little different. I hadn't known this person for very long , but he was one of those people who leaves a very defined impression. I wont use names for other peoples privacy. Those who know me , know who I am talking about. This person was always happy , always laughing , and always surrounded by loved ones & friends. When I heard of his passing I was completely appalled! I actually didn't believe it until I went to his celebration of life. I kept waiting for him to turn the corner & ask “What are all of you crying about?” , as if it was a huge joke. Some of the things that were said at the celebration of life , have stuck with me. I had never known this person to have “dark” tendencies. All that any of his loved ones could conclude is that he was in an enormous amount of pain. We can guess all we want , but ultimately these questions will go unanswered.

I think a closure “ritual” is a wonderful way of casting the 'why' & 'what ifs' away. My husband & I went to the place where we had met our dear friend , which happened to be a spot on the river, to say our final goodbyes. As we approached the spot on the river , a rainbow appeared to both of us . Minutes later there were 2 rainbows right in the middle of the river , right on the spot where we used to hang out. I felt at that very moment , that my wonderful friend was okay , where ever he was.

I would like to conclude this entry with the reiteration of , if you feel like you are depressed , seek help. There are ways to make these feelings go away. Suicide is NOT your only option. Think about those who love you before you make any rash decisions. Something as simple as a phone call can save heartbreak & anguish for those you love and those who love you!

I'm sorry this hasn't been a more uplifting entry. I'm trying to write things that I am passionate about. I promise I will make some of you laugh at some point! I hope something stuck with you from this particular blog & I hope you all have a blessed day!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Teen Pregnancy

Since ancient times women have been bearing children as early as 12 years old. Now that humans are living for much longer our society frowns on teenage pregnancies. Having a biased opinion on the matter , I will try to view both sides of this highly controversial subject.

The facts are that teen pregnancy costs the U.S. at least $7 billion dollars annually.
Just under 1/3 of all girls in the Uniteed States will get pregnant before they graduate high school. Every year more than 750,000 teenagers will get pregnant. These are sobering statistics.

Whats worse are the consequences of these pregnanies. Only 1/3 of teen mothers will graduate high school. And only 1.5% of these graduates will complete college by age 30. The most disturbing (to me) is that 80 % of these teen moms will end up on welfare.

But enough with the statistics. What I really want to get down to is how these teen moms produce new generations of  failing children. The children of teen moms are more likely to go to prison and are more likely to have teen pregnancies themselves. Children born to teen mothers have lower birth weights , are less likely to succeed in school , and are at higher risk for neglect & abuse.

I can say 1st hand that being a teen mother is a terrifying experience. I had my oldest child when I was 16 years old . I was absolutely clueless! I was scared and unsure in my abilities to care for my daughter. Thankfully we both endured those times and are much closer than most moms & daughters. If I pass on only 1 piece of advice to my daughters , it is not to get pregnant before they become successfull adults. Big emphasis on the ADULT part !!! Being the intelligent kids they are , they can finish my 'rant' about getting "knocked up" before I can. Thats how often they have heard my "preachings".

Trying not to be a hypocrite on the matter is very objective. I was a teen mother, but do not endorse it in any way. I have and do shake my head when I see teens that are pregnant. Not that I feel like I am better than any of them but I feel sorry for them. If these young mothers really knew what they were about to experience , they would be in constant anguish. The journey they are about to embark on is filled with sleepless nights and worry and is not something I would wish on any teenager.

Having said that ,  my family is living proof that there are teen mothers that transcend the barriers that come along with teenage pregnancy. There are very few benifits to having children very early in life. The only one that comes to mind is being able to retire earlier. But statistics say only about 20% of teen moms will have the opportunity to retire leisurely. Again I hope to blow this statistic 'out of the water'. I have graduated high school & am currently attending college for my Bachelors Degree in Applied Science. However I will not graduate college until I am 34.

I kind of lost what direction I was taking this entry to , but all my points remain valid. I was hoping to give some relevant speach on how our country as a whole has lost perspective on what is important. Enstilling hope and knowledge into our youth , letting them all know that the future is theirs to build , as long as they make rational decisions.

My only words of wisdom are , be smart when having sex. Use protection that not only prevents pregnancy but STDs too. Be mindful that 1 bad decision can & will effect the rest of your life as well as others. Learn from other peoples mistakes , do not repete them!!! Be humble , the rest of the world has much to teach us all!

Hopefully by the time my  children are adults , there will be NO unintended pregnancies. All babies wil be planned , wanted , and loved!!!

I hope that wasn't too much rambling!
Live well & have a blessed day!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Marijuana Vs. Alcohol

It has become alarmingly appearant that our Government has made some terrible judgement calls concerning the laws against Marijuana. While keeping alcohol legal , when we are all aware of the health risks. Now some states are defying our federal governments laws , however these defiances aren't without their consequences.

In our country alone there are thousands of deaths directly linked to alcohol consumption. There are a great number of other problems that come along with alcohol use. After many years of testing marijuana has been found to have many medicinal properties , as well as textile uses. If our government would recognize these uses rather than criticize the effects , I think we could become a lot more self sufficient as a country.

 One reason behind keeping marijuana illegal could be that our government recieves more revenue from it being unlawful to consume or possess. There may be other factors that contribute to our conservative leaders not passing marijuana laws that allow people to use & consume this plant made by nature. There are ways to make fuel from hemp seed oil , and production of this fuel would be 8-10 times more economic than petrolium products. Not to mention the lesser effects on our eco systems.

Our brains are equiped with THC recepters and our body acctually produces its own THC in small amounts. THC is the natural compound that produces the mild euphoric effects of marijuana. This compound has been found to relieve many symptoms of illnesses , conditions and diseases.

 Statistics concerning this debate , are rather disturbing.  Alcohol  ranks at the dangerous end of the toxicity spectrum. So despite the fact that about 75 percent of all adults in the United States enjoy an occasional drink, it must be remembered that alcohol is quite toxic. Indeed, if alcohol were a newly formulated beverage, its high toxicity and addiction potential would surely prevent it from being marketed as a food or drug.In 2006, a total of 22,073 persons died of alcohol-induced causes in the United States. This category includes not only deaths from dependent and nondependent use of alcohol, but also accidental poisoning by alcohol. It excludes unintentional injuries, homicides, and other causes indirectly related to alcohol use as well as deaths due to fetal alcohol syndrome.

This is a remarkable statement. First, the record on marijuana encompasses 5,000 years of human experience. Second, marijuana is now used daily by enormous numbers of people throughout the world. Estimates suggest that from twenty million to fifty million Americans routinely, albeit illegally, smoke marijuana without the benefit of direct medical supervision. Yet, despite this long history of use and the extraordinarily high numbers of social smokers, there are simply no credible medical reports to suggest that consuming marijuana has caused a single death.

So I will let you , the reader decide which is safer? Why on earth our government would promote the sales of alcohol & not the sales or distribution of marijuana? What is America doing???

I thought this would be some food for thought. Hope you chew on it for a while & it pleases your palate! Have a blessed day!!!

Today & Manners

After much thought about what people may want to read , I have decided to write/type about our societys total lack of etiquette and manners.

As a child I was always told, by my parents & grandparents, to "mind your manners". Raising my own children I can appreciate that lesson in life & apply it often. I believe "Please" & "Thank You" and "Excuse Me" are all phrases every child should learn. The more involved I get in my childrens social lives the more shocked I am at how many other families have little to no value in being polite. Again , the very wealthy are the only people who commonly take etiquiette classes.

When did it become acceptable for a young girl to burp or fart in public & just laugh it off? When were boys & girls taught that "sassing" or talking back was acceptable behavior? Why on earth were young men taught that calling women "Bitches & Hoes" was a "cool" thing to say ? What ever happened to respecting one's elders? These are examples of why I believe mankind as a whole is degenerating , QUICKLY!

I can only hope that my children pass on the manners I have passed on to them , like a fantastic family recipe. If enough people instill these very easily taught lessons to their children our world might be a bearable place to be in the future.

For now thats all I can think of to type. I hope this makes people think about how they conduct themselves in their childrens presences. Hope you enjoyed it . Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Way Things Are

The world has become a heartless place, that is the way things are. When did society become so caloused and obscessed with material possesions? What happened to neighbors caring for each other? Why are we as a general population concerned with the starving children in other countries when there are pleanty of children starving and homeless in our country? Answers, I have none.

I am a single mom that has struggled for the better part of my life. It is my belief that the American dream is all but dead. All I want is for my children to succeed and prosper. This seems like a fairy tale to me. All I can do for my offspring is give them the knowledge of my experience. Sadly most of my experiences are filled with woe & heartbreak. It would seem that if they had been born with "a sliver spoon" in their mouths they would have all of the requirements for success. Is that what America is made of ? Is there any place in the world that cares for their popluation anymore? What future if any will we have if only the rich are given the opportunities that should be available to us all?

What is our country as a whole going to do when money has no value? I for one gladly await the days when we are forced to barter with chickens , eggs & vegitables. When we go back to simpler ways. A time when a community will band together to build homes for newcomers. A time when you provde a service you will be compensated equally. A time when no one person is valued more than the other, or given opportunities that others are not. A time when it will be completely safe to send our children out to play & not worry about what may happen. This is my dream.

Unfortunately the rich are given better health care when the poor go without. They have luxurious homes when others have none. They can buy their way out of troubles with the law , a expence that others would spend their whole lives in prison for. Ohh yeah , they get bigger tax breaks from the government as well. Way to go America! I know I seem to be rambling but as I see it .... This is the Way Things Are!!!