Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm still here!

I can't believe I made it through the first 2 weeks already! Considering the whole family has been sick for the last week , I think I've done well. I just wanted to "check in" & let my status be known...LOL.

I got to see a few wonderful things these last 2 weeks. I saw a man with rainbow colored hair pick his butt in public. I got to see a Competitive Native American Dancer. There was the guitar player that played my all time favorite band's music (that I embarrassingly sang along with). I saw someone that I went to elementary school with. Last but not least , I saw myself overcome struggle & press on. This whole school thing is going to be really good for my family & I!!!!

Now that I have shared , why don't some of you tell me a few interesting things you have seen in the last few weeks??? Hope you all have a great week!!! Thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

  1. Read my blog about last weekend to find about about the chick that drank someone else's backwash. It was pleasant, to be sure LOL.
